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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Library Cloud Method #3

Are you aware of the Cloud Computing? Please don't be afraid...It was vague to me until I began to understand this process of collecting and storing data from several different sources and applications and storing them in one place to be viewed and used by the owners as well a others with permission. This information can be stored in several different applications and sources to be used by many.

The White Paper cloud computing claims to be much more efficient because the files for much of the companies’ software will be stored in one location while being accessible to the entire company and ultimately the world, yet never having to move a physical file or box. All this will be done virtually, in the clouds. Saving and infinite amount of building storage space and cost because it will all be on computers.

Completing Method #3 of the Library 2.0. As a relatively new library employee, I personally feel there are many ways working in the cloud could be beneficial to the library customer. It could avail users to endless data already compiled by countless other cloud users. Although it may be many years down the future this method somewhat unlimited access to downloading files and multi storage device could in some ways make the actual library employee obsolete. Numerous individuals could simply tap into the source. As I was made aware of this revelation by The Shifted Librarian article: “We’re Not Ready for the Cloud Yet” but the day is quickly approaching.

Friday, January 22, 2010


I am not much for posting my thought for the public to read however it is a way to get things off your chest. I'm told that once the thoughts are out there in cyberspace they are never there to hurt or confuse you anymore. So here goes, today, I realized I am in the middle. In the middle of my life being this age. In the middle of a new career that seems to be going okay. There are a great deal of things I need to learn but I am trying to get it all in. In the middle of a wonderful marriage that I believe can only get better with time like a fine wine. I am also in the middle of trying to get close to my Heavenly Father because I know I can do all things through Him.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Web 2.0 #2

The Library 2.0 learning assignments and task will be value tools to use in the future.

Web 2.0

Library 2.0
The information on Web 2.0 in very interesting and I feel it is the wave of the future. The definitions of Web 2.0 for me are simply a new way of communicating information through Blog (personal thoughts) Tweeter (sharing information with others with short sentence or phase format). The Facebook and others social networks are ways for individuals to keep up with colleagues, family and friends.